Long term radon measurment for apartments
A long-term measurement is reliable and can give an annual average value for one- and two-dwelling houses. The measurement should last for at least 60 days up to one year, depending on your local requirements. It gives you accredited report on what radon levels are in the home / premises. A long-term measurement must be carried out with at least one detector per floor and always at least two detectors. They should be placed in furnished rooms (for example, bedrooms, living room, recreation room). Wet rooms such as a toilet or laundry room do not count as living space.
The starting package contains 2 detectors.
If you want to measure more than 50 apartments, please ask for a quote at info.radon.se@etn.eurofins.com

- Detectors, individually packed.
- The starting package contains 2 detectors.
- Instructions on how to measure.
- Shipping to you.
- Analysis of the detectors, including evaluation.
- Accredited report on the measurements.
A few days after you order the detectors from us they will arrive by mail. Read the included instructions. When you open the bag in which the detector comes in, the measurement starts. You can register the detectors on our customer portal, where you enter where the detector is located and when the bag was opened.
After minimum 60 days you send the detector back to us. You do not need to pack the detectors in any special way, they are very durable. Enter the customer portal again and enter the end date of the measurement. We analyze the detector and send you an email with the report - you have the answer within two working days after they arrive at the lab.
- The measurement must be carried out on all floors with living quarters. If the apartment consists of one floor, two radon detectors are placed in two different living spaces. If the dwelling consists of two or more floors, a radon detector is placed on each floor.
- The radon detectors should be placed in living quarters, e.g. bedroom, living room or recreation room. Wet areas such as bathrooms and laundry rooms, storerooms and unfurnished basements are not classified as living quarters and are therefore not included in the annual average value.
- Read and follow the measurement instructions included with the radon detectors.
If you have any questions, please contact us on telephone +46 10-490 84 80 or e-mail info.radon.se@etn.eurofins.com